Sunday, July 26, 2015


Another day in the track to fitness victory!

Something I noticed last night was this feeling that I had in my body. What it was, was that it seemed for the first time I could actually feel my ab muscles underneath my fat. I know that has to sound pretty disgusting and maybe even disturbing, but I found it as inspirational, because I can feel the size that my body should be and wants to be, but I know that I just have to keep going and keep motivated to get there and then have the self-respect to stay in the body that I am aiming towards.

So many people diet and fid that they're losing weight and then when the diet is over, they gain it all back. What I'm trying to do here is to not diet, but make an entire lifestyle change to be and look the way I want. And all I want to to feel good about myself... Who out there can't say the same?

There is something about the perspective you take in this journey to your better self that makes everything worthwhile. You have to love what you're doing, and you have to truly want it and know that you're not going to see the results the next day.

(I tend to be very impatient and that is a big problem for me. I don't want to take the time that is needed to do everything the way it should be done to see the best results. I want results as quick and cheap as possible. This is something I am working on every single day.)

Weigh-in AM: 173.8

Just as the "experts" say that showering everyday isn't good for your hair, they also say that working out everyday isn't good for your body. Yet the shredz fat burner workout challenge says that you should workout everyday to see the best possible results. I'm considering whether I should take a day off, just to let my body rest. 

Today is Sunday, so I just got back from church (I am my church's soloist singer every Sunday). If I tok a day off, I would think it would be Sunday. But, I might stay over at a friend's house tonight, so then it would be better if I made Monday my day off. And Wednesday is my switch day to week 2!

I'm starting on my workouts a little late, but I'm ready for week two already! 

Something pretty cool...

I ordered some athletic wear (my first) from Charlotte Russe yesterday! I am SO excited to see them come in, and I'll post some pictures of what I got! They were having an amazing sale, BOGO (buy one get one) 50% off EVERYTHING in store and online, plus a monthly $15 off purchase of $80 and free shipping, so I got everything for a fraction of the original cost. You have to love that!

The workout.

It didn't go quite as well as I was hoping, but I think that I have officially decided to take TOMORROW OFF! I think I do need a little rest day and then on Tuesday, maybe I'll work in some cardio, because I haven't really done any of that. Just from my physical situation, I find myself sweating up a storm just being on the floor doing my ab and booty workouts! Anyways, I'll keep you all up to date. 

I'm hoping to see some fitness results soon. Still taking my supplements and making smoothies! It's really the only tasty way to get down the vanilla protein powder. I can't imagine how it tastes in just water or milk like they suggest. 

ANYWAYS! TaTa for now fitness girls. 
Hopefully we are all seeing successful results in our weight loss and muscle building adventures! 
Everyday is one step closer to our overall goals.
Stay positive, everything happens for a reason and everything will work out right.

                            With all my love,


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Jenna! It didn't go quite as planned, but when does life ever really go as planned? So, I hope to get back into this more, and keep you up to date with my new findings!(:
