Friday, July 24, 2015


Last night I went out and bought a scale so that I can start doing weigh-ins to make things a little more quantitative. I'll have and AM and PM weigh-in, to account for water fluctuations and such.

Weigh-In AM: 173.4 lbs

Well, let me tell you. If you're in muscle pain, add at least 2 cups of Epsom salts to your bath and have a nice hot soak. Mine was so hot last night that I sweating in my bath, but it felt amazing and my muscles feel much better. They're still sore though.

I honestly had no idea that I was weighing roughly 175 pounds.... It's insane. My suite spot used to be about 148. In my family, the women are very dense. We carry a lot of weight on our backs and legs (and in out endowments) before the gut.

Truthfully, I would be so happy with this whole process, if only I can just lose the stubborn back fat. If anyone has any tips, please let me know...

Well,  I started a little earlier today because I'm taking a trip to Columbia, SC today.

I'm going to take a lot of time to stretch today. Actually, that's what I'm doing while writing this.

I feel much stronger than when we started, already. And to be perfectly honest, I'm surprised that I have made it this far! I can feel my abs and my legs are practically killing me. I can't walk in a particularly "normal" way, haha! I know that my muscles are a bit worn and torn but hopefully I can take it easy to help them mend.

Something that has really helped me...

For a long time I have had problems with irregular bowl movements, no set bodily schedule and problems with constipation versus diarrhea. Well, this program, as I have noticed over the past 2 days, I've woken up feeling great and ready to go (and woken up on time at my own accord) but I have had to use the bathroom (#2) every morning after breakfast. 

Unless you have had problems of the same kind, you may not know what a relief it is to feel this regularity and cleanse. Because, before, I would notice that I would only have a bowl movement 2-3 time a week! And sometimes it would be extremely painful. But, so far I can't complain about a single thing. 

This Morning's Workout

I started with the abs, because I felt most comfortable with them. They're feeling good. I didn't have to stop the program except for a little pause before the 3rd set to get a drink of water. 

Surprisingly the workout seem to be zooming by faster and faster, or maybe I'm starting to enjoy it more now that it's not so horrifyingly difficult!

SO the abs worked. But the booty? I can't say went so well.

I pretty much just used the video as a timer. The truth is, the video, in my opinion, has almost actually nothing to do with toning and strengthening your booty at all. It's more cardiovascular, as I've said before. WHICH IS GREAT! But, if it's not for making your booty amazing, why call it the 30 day booty? Its all about getting up and down and jumping - and it works your hamstrings more than anything else, which might be why mine are giving me such troubles.

Anyways, if you have done booty workouts before, you know that there are a ton of other things to do that will ACTUALLY HELP TONE YOUR BOOTY!
My mom used to take (and I think at one point teach) an aerobics class, along with yoga and jazzercise and more fun dance type workouts that really burn and tone. Well, she's taught me a few really good ones that you'll definitely feel, and that's what I substituted in for an entirely new routine. No burpees, no squats, no squat jumping jacks, no jumping and kicking yourself in the butt.
If you want me to make a video or post to talk about what I did (if you're in pain) I would love to do that!

And I am SURELY sweating enough from just the toning exercises and having an easier time controlling myself, my stamina and my breathing (even though it can still be difficult).

I can't wait to start seeing results!!!

BUT, my ride is about to come pick me up and take me to Columbia for the day. It is now 10:04AM.

Weigh-In PM: 177.2 lbs

                        That's All For Now,

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