Saturday, July 25, 2015


Here we are again on day 3 of the SHREDZ fitness challenge, trying to get fit.

I woke up this morning not feeling the best and I had pink eye, but that is actually quite common for me. So, I took the medicine I keep on hand and now I'm ready to start the day.

I made mom and myself a breakfast of eggs over-easy (I need a bit more practice), onion bagels with cream cheese and banana slices. Needless to say that my mom was pretty happy!

I don't get it. From yesterday's weigh-ins, how can I weigh 173.4 lbs in the morning and 177.2 lbs at night?
Oh well. Hopefully I'll be seeing the scale dipping down soon!

Weigh-In AM: 173.8 lbs

I hoping that the workouts are getting me sweaty enough to burn the calories I need to start losing weight. But, you would think that someone who did no exercise starting to exercise and sweat every day would start to lose weight right? 

I'm thinking that maybe soon I'll do a video entry instead of just text. That way, as a reader you may get to know me a little better. 

But, if you're reading this, you're probably more interested in the getting fit part rather than the part where I blabber and tell stories all the time. 

I'm not feeling so amazing today. I just ended my menstrual cycle yesterday, so it's not that. And, I woke up with much less energy than I've had the past few days. But, then I remembered that after I got home from my Columbia trip, that I forgot to take my afternoon supplements. Maybe that was why I woke up tired today? But, then... that also makes me hope that my body isn't getting "used" to the supplements already. Am I going to go back to feeling like crap in the morning once all of this is over? Let's hope not. 


If you have problems with underarm body odor, I've found with experience that if you wipe your underarms with Isopropyl (Rubbing) Alcohol, it'll take the smell away. Do that before putting on your deodorant so it smells nice and clean down there. 
(I tend to get really stinky, especially during a workout, and that's how I solve my problem)

For Today's Workout...

So, today I started strong and then really started to get lazy. My body feels tired of the same routine. The same exercises everyday for 1 whole week. Something about that is getting to me. And it's only the 4th day. 

I've been trying to mix it up by adding exercises of my own to keep myself interested, but if you're doing this you have to keep interest to want to get up and do it tomorrow. You know what I mean?

It almost feels like I am marathon training the same group of muscles, every single day. And I am absolutely not used to that. Oh well... My obliques feel amazingly strong, at least. I didn't even know that you could control and train those muscles!

                                Until tomorrow,

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