Wednesday, July 22, 2015

An 18 year old who knows everything... not!

Hi all, this is my first post so I wanted to explain a little bit about what I'm doing.

My name is Madeline, I'm 18 years old and my mother says that I think I know everything.
Maybe I can be a bit of a smart aleck sometimes, but I do believe that is a problem that my entire generation suffers from, being we are the first generation with effortless access to endless information on the internet. Another problem that comes from that would have to do with patience. I tend to catch myself getting uncontrollably impatient and snarky and I see that as something I have to work on.

But, back to the reason I'm here. I have always struggled with my weight. 
I am 18, 5'5" and about 175 pounds. I used to be a bit heavier in middle school and then I joined softball and cheerleading and slimmed down a little bit, but let me tell you... It's all coming back. 

Today: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 I had a wake-up call. 

I told myself, "Wake up Madi, you are in charge of your life. NOTHING and NO ONE should make you feel bad about the way you look!!!" So, I got up and decided to change everything. I made myself a nice breakfast (cheesy scrambled eggs and a side of blueberries) and planned out my 30 day adventure.

My goal is not to lose X number of pounds or X number of inches, but get to a point where I feel confident in my own skin. Believe me - I've got the personality part down and have plenty enough sass to share, but so often I find myself worried about the way I look and I realize that so many other women of every age feel the same way I do. 

I'm not saying treat your body like crap and eat nasty things, but we should all feel beautiful ALL THE TIME! Don't you agree ladies? 

Why do we so often try to put others down, or even put ourselves down? 

I don't claim to know everything about my health goals or the best way to become a happier me, but I know that trying blindly is better than not trying at all.
I'm sure I'm not the only one too, but I've spent so much money on "lose weight fast" schemes and I made the same excuse for myself with each one, "I'm too busy" or "I'll start it later". I'm hoping that this time I can stick to my commitments to myself and take care of my body.

I chose to start the SHREDZ 30 Day Quick Weight Loss Plan for Women. I have a 30 day supply of the SHREDZ supplements, and a workout plan! I'm so excited to begin and post everyday about my experiences. 

I promise that I am in no way affiliated with the company or the SHREDZ brand and I am not being sponsored to provide good results or a good review and I plan on sharing my complete experience with you: the good, the bad and the ugly! 
I will post pictures along the way as well.

Let me know if there is anything that you would like to know.
                                Until then,


  1. I have not seen anymore entries you and I team up together the challenge is over 480 bucks on sale for 199!!! And winning ten grand I'm @skinnyfatgirlgetsfit on Instagram you don't have to follow me but go through my very first pics

    1. Hi Jenna! I never saw this! I hope all of your endeavors went well with this (a year later!) What have you been up to?
