Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Today was day 1:

***At the bottom of this post will be pictures of where I'm starting from. Please note that they are pretty graphic, and please only be encouraging, I know that they aren't pretty.***

So, for the first day of my fitness journey I began the day at 9am with a plate of cheesy scrambled eggs and a side of blueberries along with my TONER and DETOX supplements. 

I then made my BAA+GLUTAMINE fruit punch drink for my workout and took my BURNER supplement pre-workout. 

Okay. All good so far. 

Here is what the containers look like that come along with the 30 day challenge. 

(Images taken from the SHREDZ website)

Now for the workout(s):

The 30 day butt workout - Day 01

Wow. Well, I seem to think that this one is more cardio than butt toning workouts. The week 1 challenge starts with burpees and many more not-so-fun (nor beginner friendly) workouts!

Ouch, is all I can say. Maybe it was the burner supplement or the fact that I haven't completed a full physical workout since, well, I'm not exactly sure when... Regardless, I felt like my heart was going to beat my heart out of my chest.

And as I'm sitting here writing this down, I can already feel the tension in my legs and gluteus. Within the first round of burpees, I could hardly feel my legs. I live in an apartment, so getting up and down the stairs after my workout proved to be exceedingly more difficult than it was yesterday! Well, at least that means it's working, right?

During the workout, there was no way I could power through without stopping. Even in the first set of burpees I already had the sensation that my legs were going numb! It seemed crazy. I just moved into my apartment lifting heavy stuff up and down stairs and I can't handle 30 seconds of burpees? Or Jumping-Jack Squats? You've got to be kidding me, right? Well, reality-check, you've got some work to do! At one point, I almost thought that I was might get sick from it and the fruit punch water (I'm not really a huge fan of the flavor, or flavored water at all). I must've paused the workout video 8 to 10 times to take a breather and get my heart rate and breathing under control.

That was the worst thing for me, the breathing part. As a singer - with no core muscles - breath control has always been a problem for me. And I inherited asthma from my mother; thankfully I don't have it nearly as bad as she does. And it seems to have always posed a problem for me with sports or exercising.

Ultimately, I powered through the workout with a lot of breaks, but I'm just proud that I got through it. It was crazy and well... we will see how tomorrow goes! But, I'm trying to keep a positive outlook on things.

The 30 day ab workout - Day 01

Now, compared to the butt workout, this was a piece of cake! The butt workout had you jumping in the air and getting up and down off the floor. But, with the ab workout, you lay on the floor the entire time!! Oh yeah, that felt so nice. My favorite exercise in that group was the oblique crunches. There was one called the Jackhammer crunch where you extend your legs and lay flat on the floor and then commence to lift your legs and crunch your abs to meet your knees in the middle. Well, that is one that I could not do... at all! Hahaha! I had to modify it to just doing crunches with my knees folded into me.

The thing with this workout is that you do the same exercise routine for 1 week and there is a different workout for each of the 4 weeks. Hopefully by the end of week 1 I will be able to complete both of the workouts the way they are supposed to be done, but I am content knowing that I tried my best.

After the workout (and what I liked!)

After the workout, I made myself a raspberry and banana shake with the Vanilla Thermogenic Protein powder (which was pretty good, I have to say). And I took a nice shower. Yet, I relished the feeling of the after workout.

AND I have to say (and I'm pretty sure that it's the supplements) that I have this INCREDIBLE amount of energy. It's wonderful and I absolutely love it. It's not like an energy drink feeling or anything like that. My body is just full of an entirely new feeling of being fully awake and energized. And it's about 11pm and I feel ready to get tucked in and get some rest. But, even for the rest of the day, I have had this euphoric type of feeling with so much energy to get things done!

Again, this is only day one, but my body is feeling more energized, more fatigued and ready to keep pushing on with this plan. I am beyond excited to see how things turn out. 

Keep up with me and let me know if you are starting a fitness journey of your own! We can all be here to support each other.

                         Until tomorrow,

****************Here are my pictures for Day 01*****************
Please remember that this is my first day and I am extremely out of shape. 
                       Only positive comments and vibes, please.   




  1. Your pics aren't scary o use some of Shredz and love the brand but am debating if I should spend and invest for the 30 day challenge!!!

    1. Well, thanks! I've struggled a lot with my weight in the past. But, I've seen that a lot of people had really good results completing the SHREDZ 30 day program (and I loved the idea at winning contest for posting your pictures)! But, I think the materials are worth it! You get health books and planners as well as the supplements.

      Ultimately, if you think you can dedicate your time and really stick to it everyday, then it could work for you!

      Stay in touch and let me know what you end up doing!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh my goodness! a terrific article dude. Thanks for sharing it and pls check my page for more ifno about this sup thanx.
