Thursday, July 23, 2015


7:30 AM: I'm up and feeling really awake and ready to go. And then... I try to move. I must've had an insane amount of lactic acid buildup because I feel like I can hardly move. Walking is fine but my back and legs feel incredibly tender and sore. I had a hard time setting myself down in the chair at my desk just to write this. My plan is to still start like yesterday and power through; while trying my best not to injure myself! 

9:00 AM: So, I started my day off by making cheesy scrambled eggs, bacon, peach slices and hot tea for my mother and myself (and my morning supplements). I'll attach a picture(: 

(Notice the paper plates, we just moved in to our new place and haven't had a chance to get any new ones!)

Anyways, I have yet to get started on my workout, but man... I'm having a hard enough time getting up and down. One thing I am truly surprised about is how awake and alive I feel. Maybe it's the working out, and maybe it's the supplements but I just feel like when I wake up, I'm up and ready to go. No ifs ands or butts! And that's not a normal feeling for me. I normally feel as if I can just fall right back to sleep, pretty much all day. Also, my cravings for snacking have significantly decreased. I'm a grazer by nature, I normally eat small amounts all day long and just snack, but I've just been feeling like my breakfast, shake for lunch, maybe a snack in between and a small dinner, but I'll keep you posted. 

Feeling the way I am, I'm just not sure if I can get through the entire workout. I may have to make more modifications today and then take an epsom salt soaking bath for my muscles. And I may have to warm up with some walking on the elliptical, but I'm not very big on going to the workout room in my current physical condition and I prefer to be in the privacy of my own home in my own room. I, for some reason, don't even like my mom to know that I'm working out. I tell her of course, but it's kind of embarrassing for me... I'm not sure why. Is that weird? 

So... maybe I'll start off just moving and dancing to some music to get my blood pumping (I'm not even sure if I can jog in place at this point, and that's so boring anyway, but I am confident and determined to get myself going and power through.) I just don't want to injure anything!

11:00 AM Okay... Here goes the workouts. To help get rid of some of the sore, I'm starting with a little bit of stretching and dancing/jazzercise to some good music.

So, I took my TONER pre workout supplements and with my fruit punch water drink I began my stretching and workout. I turned on some Broadway music to stretch to and some of my favorite popular reggaeton/Spanish music dance and warm up (hey, whatever works right?)

Well, I've studied Spanish for 5 years and fell in love with the language and the music is great to get you moving and dancing!

Anyways, I started with the ab workout because I can't really feel my lower half and I am a little concerned about getting to complete the butt workout. But, I FEEL SO MUCH STRONGER ALREADY!

It's amazing. Compared to yesterday I already feel so much improvement in my core muscles. 
1 - I can feel them and,
2 - I can even (somewhat) do the jack knife sit up that I had to modify yesterday. I did have to go back to some of my modifications on the 3rd set, because you do the same exercises 3 times. But, that's okay. Definite improvement! 
THIS FEELS GREAT! And give me a TON of motivation to keep going. I don't know when we will start seeing results, but it just makes me happy to feel such a difference after only 1 day of the fitness plan.


Well, I made it all the way through the first set without pausing. That's a HUGE improvement compared to yesterday!
And, I live in a 2nd level apartment so I try not to disturb the tenants living below me! (That way I can make an excuse for modifying the jumping exercises!) 

It's not as bad as I thought it would be, by far, but I am making sure to take it slow and steady.

Well, let me take that back. By the second set I had to pause before doing the jumping-jack squats (KILLER!) to take a breather. My muscles are just so fatigued, and draining energy fast. It's hard to keep going, but I don't feel like resting or taking a nap. 

Honestly, the energy factor of this program is phenomenal. 

I'm also getting an odd feeling of bubbly numbness in my legs and arms at random times. Maybe it's from not working out before, or poor circulation (my guess) but it goes away, so that's good. 

Now I really feel the fatigue in the muscles getting to me! I'll have to keep stretching and work it out. I can hardly move and my mom keeps laughing at me saying, "I remember those days!"

It looks like I'm going to need a nice hot epsom salt soak to help remove the lactic acid. Anyways, I also have to make a run to the grocery store to pick up some much needed items and to get a scale so that I can document my weight loss progress!

I'll see you tomorrow.

                                Keep in touch,

Weigh In: 174.2 lbs

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